The Ontario MicroFIT Program: Keeping Track of Your Profits

If you're a homeowner with a microFIT contract in Ontario, you're one of the lucky few. After diligently working on getting your contract and having your rooftop system installed, you can now sit back and watch the kilowatt hours turn into cash. With a twenty year guaranteed rate, it would seem there is little to worry you, other than the variability of the weather. As the owner of a microFIT system, you know that the amount of solar energy you produce is just as variable as that weather outside your window. So how do you make sense of the weather and those profits you're counting on?

It would certainly be useful if you could tell if it was a good month or a bad month when it comes to solar energy production. Unfortunately, there are very few sources of information available when it comes to recent solar radiation (insolation) data for most Ontario locations. Unless you happen to be living right next to an Environment Canada weather station, you make think that you're out of luck. WhatNextNow Solar to the rescue!

WhatNextNow Solar GO enables you to take the weather out of the equation when it comes to counting your profits. By providing you with solar radiation information for your precise location, you'll have more of a handle on what to expect in terms of solar energy production from your microFIT system. Once you create your profile and start monitoring what your system should be producing, you can assess whether your microFIT system's output was consistent with the weather that month.